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New Assistant Principal at High School

Posted Date: 09/07/2017

New Assistant Principal at Hudson High School

Sarah Handley

Times have changed this year, and Hudson High School has gained a new assistant principal, Mr. Cox. He is a Hudson High School graduate and a former US Army service member. He has listed three goals for this year, “First, I want to provide another positive role model at the school. I also want to continue to make Hudson High School a great place to learn. Lastly, I want to provide motivation for students in need of motivation.” He plans to do this in part by creating a professional atmosphere for students in the school, not by changing the rules, but by enforcing them consistently. “High school is a place where students learn and establish behaviors that will lead them to their eventual goals in life, whether going to college, trade school, or straight into the workforce,” states Mr. Cox. The high school’s five core values will be highlighted this year, and Mr. Cox is certainly up for the task. Mr. Cox says, “Through all of my life’s experiences I have learned the best approach to life is to have a positive attitude, be willing to work hard, treat people with respect, and do your best to have great integrity.”