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Jazz Band performs at Tyler Junior College

Posted Date: 03/28/2016

Jazz Band performs at Tyler Junior College

By Victoria Cox

The sounds of another jazz band will fill your ears when you walk into the Building of Fine Arts at Tyler Junior College. As they are playing their jazz ensemble, Bob McChesney, a trombone artist from Los Angeles sits there and critiques their performance.

Friday, March 18, Hudson’s High School Jazz Band made their way to Tyler. They will be performing their jazz ensemble for two famous musicians with a clinic to follow. The band will be examined during their performance and improved afterwards.

From six in the morning to eleven-thirty at night, the students participating in the TJC clinic were drained. The students listened to several other jazz bands perform and learned much from their clinics. “ We were the overall best band at TJC. We looked professional, and more importantly we sounded professional,” Brad Comeaux said.

Finally Hudson Jazz Band got their time on the stage and played even better than they did during practices and rehearsal. The ensemble were apprehensive when Bob McChesney stepped onto the stage to praise them. “ There’s really not anything I can change,” McChesney said.

“ The best thing a band director can hear is there’s not anything they can change after your performance,” Comeaux said. The Hudson jazz band is feeling confident and will go up against other high schools and community colleges in the near future.