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An Intellectual Summer

Posted Date: 07/07/2015

 An Intellectual Summer

Holly Harvey

  Summer. The spanse of time where students lose approximately 2.6 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical skills and fail to increase their literary capacity. The statistics are daunting and the effects of laziness ripple throughout the year. One way dedicated students can plug this mental drain is through instituting a summer reading initiative. The Hornet Herald has asked Hudson faculty and students which works they recommend. Here are the books along with brief reviews:

Valhalla Rising

  By: Clive Cussler

  “Historical, suspenseful, and enlightening,” said Patrick Largent, history teacher.

Surely You’re Joking Mr. Fehyman

  By: Richard Fehyman

  “Rambunctiously interesting,” said Tarek Zaher, junior.

The Thirst Series

  By: Christopher Pike

  “It’s insightful and crazy! You’ve gotta read it!” said Monica Gill, junior.


  By: Robin Cook

  “Amazing, interesting, mysterious, and intriguing,” said Jasmin Rangel, senior.

The Scarlet Pimpernel

  By: Baroness Emma Orczy

  “Profound, adventuress, and exciting,” said Melissa Scott, senior english teacher.

  These novels are merely suggestions; there are infinite varieties of works available. We urge you to absorb and learn from these pieces in an endeavor to halt the mental degradation that occurs during the summertime.