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Girls Golf team takes on State Meet

Posted Date: 05/01/2016

Girls Golf team takes on State Meet

By Victoria Cox

    State Championship.

    Every team, every person yearns for it. Teamwork, determination, and passion divides the teams into finalists to battle for the title.

The Hudson High School Golf team has spent many hours of the year practicing and competing for an opportunity to oppose against the best of the best in Austin, Texas. They’ve had tournaments back to back all season and have made it to the State 4A Meet.

“As far as preparation, we just did a lot of practice and a lot of team bonding which really made our connection and our abilities so much stronger at the tournament,” Murphy McDermott said.

Savoring the last tournament with senior Lauren Johnson and being able to go as team were the main pleasures of going to state. The trip was a genuinely sentimental experience for the whole team.

The golf team earned 10th at the state championship, but the team got there, had a great time, and learned many skills and tricks to help them the next season.

“Some of us might have been struggling with a few shots during the tournament because of  Par nines, but the opportunity to go evened out any fears or troubles we might have had!” McDermott said.