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Why do teachers love Google?

Posted Date: 09/18/2016

Why do teachers love Google?

Why do teachers love Google?google apps.png

Robin Thornton                                                              


   Often Students wonder why do we use Google? Why not Windows, Yahoo, or Bing? Well the answer's quite simple, from compatibility to easy access you can't go wrong when using G.A.F.E (Google Apps For Education). Most people don't know but, google is not just for schools or public it's for business to. It's constantly coming out with new and inventive ways to get work done.

   More than just teachers use Google, from the public to students, it’s world wide. It speeds up the assignment process, by quick delivery and return. The teacher doesn't have to wait until the next day for the student to receive their work as well as the students returning it. It saves automatically every time you close a document without any hassle or worry about trying to get it back. Now google and microsoft aren't arch enemies they actually work together to make using google better. By apps and software.

   Often workers/ students have to return a document and wait 1-7 days for feedback or suggestions on changing it, and because it takes so long to do so most teachers/employers opt out and don't give suggestions until after the students or employ have their final print. Well with Google you get automatic feedback as well as helpful suggestions from google itself. All the teacher has to do is open the document and look over it. It doesn't take days and doesn't seem like a nightmare. As well as automatic feedback you can interact with teachers anywhere you don't have to be on a computer you can open a document on your phone, or tablet.

   Multiple students as well as teachers can be on a document at once. This allows for more efficient group work, and students can work on projects at the same time. It allows for better compatibility. With two or more people you can type or edit  a document without interfering with each others  ideas which can lead to conflict, messy work, or incomplete work.

   Many schools these days are trying to become more green and teach kids about recycling. With google it is possible for a school to become paperless. With online communication, assignments, and classes a student hardly ever has to waste paper. As well as opens up the students to places virtually that most won't experience physically in their lifetime.

   The original concerns with google were no automated updates, refreshing, and editing. Now google updates yearly, has automatic refreshing, and editing. Not only does google continue to improve but if someone shares a document with you it automatically saves because all google apps for education are cloud based and can be accessed from any device.

   Now google isn't perfect all technology messes up, but with most if not all issues Google fixes. It's time for the 21st century to actually start, and give the kids today a head start. Starting at a young age is more beneficial as well as prepares children for the adult world. Hudson ISD prides itself on all students having access to computers and ipads. Teachers in Kindergarten thru high school are teaching technology skills to help make our students competitive and prepared to move forward in their education and career paths.