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Special Olympics Bowling

Posted Date: 12/04/2016

ball bowling pins game sport





Special Olympics Bowling                   

Taylor Squyres


The Special Olympics is an event that happens every year. Athletes come from every school and compete in events such as bowling, basketball and many others. I got the privilege to interview a coach and a few of the athletes.

“What does special olympics do for the athletes?”

“It gives them a chance to participate in athletics. If we did not have special olympics, my kids would not get to participate in athletics at all. This gives them a chance to socialize and feel successful. They look forward to it all year long, year after year. It brings lots of smiles to athletes, coaches, fans, volunteers, and anyone else around. It’s a very joyous occasion,” Sherri Johns, the life skills teacher told me all about the true meaning of the Special Olympics.

The athletes were just as excited to get interviewed as they were to play in the olympics.

Andy Hernandez, 11th grade athlete, and Thomas Walters, 10th grade athlete, told me a little bit about what the olympics mean to them.

Andy says, “ It means that all your friend and family get to watch me. Only the best athletes go there. My favorite part is getting to hang out with all my friends and getting to watch them bowl too.”

Thomas added to Andy’s comments by saying, “It’s good for me to get to go places around state like Dallas, Longview and Lufkin. It feels good to go places and win. I love getting to hang out with my friends and my teachers outside of the classroom.”

Each of these precious athletes have a passion for their sport and their friends. We all hope that Special Olympics continues to be a success for Hudson for many years to come.