Technology Integration

Technology is an integral part of developing skills for the 21st century. In the Mrs. Weeks’ science classes, we not only use technology in more traditional ways, but technology to interact with the lesson, to allow students to share their learning in non-traditional formats, and to collaborate with each other on products that showcase their learning in real-life situations.

Google Classroom is our essential tool for organizing, completing, turning in and returning student work. Some examples of how it has been used this year include

This awesome add-on adds student interaction to any Google Slides presentation.

Online Assessments

Assessment doesn't mean just giving a written test. In my classroom, I try to incorporate many different ways of assessing student understanding. Some ways we have assessed online this year include but are not limited to FlipGrid, Google Forms, Drag-and-Drop Google Slides, and ExamView.

Used daily as a warmup tool to review vocabulary or from time-to-time as a way to mix up things a bit, Socrative allows students to respond at either their own pace or at a teacher-led pace.

Quizlet study sets are available for students at all times through the "REFERENCE MATERIALS" link on Google Classroom. Students are encouraged and provided opportunities to use any of the Quizlet options for students to use/practice vocabulary words that are integral to the understanding of science concepts.

A different take on the video presentation--embedded questions check for understanding as the student watches. We primarily use Playposit as an introduction or review to our lessons.