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OAP 2016

One Act Play - 2016

"The Curious Savage”
by John Patrick 

Advancing Show - District

All-Star Cast Award
Tate Ashby
Kristen Ferrara
Murphy McDermott

Honorable Mention All-Star Cast
Taylor Fennell
Derra Gossett
Reagan Wren

All-Star Tech Award
Kylie Lipscomb
Brylee Wallace


Non- Advancing Show - Bi-District

All-Star Cast Award
Tate Ashby

Honorable Mention All-Star Cast
Kristen Ferrara
Reagan Wren

All-Star Tech Award
Guyler Sims

The Team Members:

Tate Ashby
Trevor Curtis
Taylor Fennell
Kristen Ferrara
Kendrion Ferrell
Derra Gossett
Jonathan Hammond
Kylie Lipscomb
Murphy McDermott
Lauren Mott
Guyler Sims
Adrianna Smothermon
Ty Thomason
Brylee Wallace
Reagan Wren



Drama/One Act Play

One Act Play